“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
When requesting a booking, please understand that advance notice is essential!
Please contact me if you wish to discuss a booking. I try to respond quickly to all complete enquiries I receive, but sometimes I do take a little time, as I do not check my messages every day. Your patience is appreciated.
My preferred contact is by email on yes@freyafey.comYou can send SMS on 0490 747 852, but I will not be checking my phone very often. Email will get my attention more quickly.
Take a good look around my site before contacting me. A well considered enquiry is much more likely to draw my favourable attention than an ill-considered one! This being said if you are simply very nervous, or very shy, we will get a chance to speak on the phone if that is easier for you to explain your personal circumstances, and your hopes and intentions for session-ing with me.
At a minimum please include your name, mobile number and the type of experience you are enquiring about.
You can find my cancellation policy and fees here.
All bookings require a Beemit or bank deposit. My Beemit handle is @freyafey. Monies sent without a confirmed booking after speaking with me over the phone will be considered tips and are non-refundable…and very much appreciated!
When I am overseas, the best way to get my attention when I’m back is to email me on yes@freyafey.com or by filling in my booking form.
You can always check where I am by visiting my Twitter page @FreyaFey
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Today is the day…