Post Prostate Cancer
Most people go ahead with prostate surgery knowing that their genital function will change. But while the medical profession provides you details of this physical risk, it has little to say about recovery, nor re-discovering sex and intimacy post-surgery.
One of the main psychological hurdles faced by people who have undergone a prostatectomy, is to come to terms with losing one of the main things that has defined their masculinity.
My Naked Counselling sessions can be a great way to help you navigate a post-prostate cancer sex life.
Real GFE sessions are also available to people experiencing any form of erectile difficulty too.
Erection Myth Busting:
Arousal, Engorgement, Ejaculation and Orgasm are all separate mechanisms that operate independently of each other and in any combination.
An erection (or engorgement) is not required to experience orgasm.
Your desire (arousal) won’t change as a direct result of prostatectomy. However, going through any life threatening illness and recovery with a partner, may alter the dynamic of your relationship. If you are experiencing a change in desire it is here we may start to look for answers.
We live in a cock-centric society, with deeply held beliefs that ‘sex’ *requires* an erection. It doesn’t. Almost all men will experience some level of erectile difficulty after aged 40. There is more and more evidence and conversation suggesting ‘seniors’ are having the best sex of their lives.
There are ways to introduce “cock” into your erotic life without engorgement of your own penis. If your partner and you are adamant that penetrative sex must feature in this life, you can introduce it in other ways.